The Man

He's on an Alsace cycle path
This is our first of many meetings
To Strasbourg he is on his way
He passes but without a greeting
Next in France when nearing Speyer
A roadside bar he drinks his beer
We marvel at his stamina
We've no idea how he got here
He's there again near German Worms
Old and short and rather round
It's him again we all exclaim
He covers unexpected ground
We see him next in Deutsch Boppard
Always red his cycling gear
Drooped moustache like handlebars
He pedals on despite his years
No luggage does he seem to take
He just turns up, we turn to stare
We're sure he hasn't passed us but
Amazingly he's turned up here
Is he flesh or merely ghost?
Do we see his shadow cast?
Perhaps he thinks we're following him in
Or is he really stalking us?
Our last encounter comes in Koln
The first time he is not alone
A woman shares his coffee stop
Perhaps she's come to take him home
June 2016